America’s Households Are Eager to Protect Their Access to Clean Safe Drinking Water – One of Life’s Most Crucial Services They Cannot be Without. It’s Up to You to Take Action Now!
At a time when America’s workforce is threatened by the possibility of mass layoffs, water and waste customers want to manage the risk of unforeseen events that may prevent their household’s access to life’s crucial services. Now, for the first time, your utility can help them to meet that goal in a convenient, responsible and affordable manner. A nationwide survey of 1,000 U.S. households provided compelling evidence that they’re eager to do it. Let’s talk and we will share with you the results of the consumer survey that showed such a high demand for the protection.
When Things Go Wrong, It’s Good To Have A Safety Net
Now Available: The Utility Service Payment Protection Plan Presents an Affordable Safety Net for Your Customers… and for Your Water/Waste Utility.
Such unplanned events as involuntary unemployment, disability or accidental loss-of-life all to often result in the household’s inability to make timely payment for delivered water and waste services, which, in turn, might ultimately lead to disconnection, causing even greater hardship to the household….and increased costs and loss of revenue to the utility.
The Utility Service Protection Plan is underwritten and serviced by a major U.S. based “A”rated insurance company. See Terms of Use
The Utility Service Payment Protection Plan Offers Your Water and/or Waste Utility Three Significant Benefits:
- Fills a gap in your customer’s CX journey that gives comfort when unplanned events make things go wrong and otherwise good paying customers become vulnerable to late or non-payment of their delivered service.
- The possibility of adding a new recurring revenue & cash flow stream for your water/waste utility
- An entirely new approach to improve bad debt write-offs, collection costs, disconnection rates, debt ratios, credit enhancement, regulatory relations and financial relief to payment assistance programs.
What’s In It For Your Customers?
Your customers that elect to enroll in The Utility Service Payment Protection Planare provided with a certificate of insurance. Certificate holders that become involuntarily unemployed, disabled or lose their life by accidental means have the comfort of knowing that your service can be continued for their household during such challenging times, to the extent provided by the coverage benefits.
On the certificate holder’s behalf the insurance carrier underwriting the The Utility Service Payment Protection Plan will pay directly to your utility a monthly amount and for the number of months stated on their certificate of insurance. *
*Subject to terms, conditions, and exclusions on the certificate of insurance. The Utility Service Protection Plan is underwritten and serviced by a major U.S. based “A”rated insurance company. See Terms of Use
What’s the Bottom Line Impact that The Utility Service Payment Protection Plan brings to Your Water/Waste Utility and to Your Customers’ CX Journey?
Improvement in your utility’s financial key ratios and CX objectives.
Keeps your customers in the center of what you do.
Improvement in your customer’s financial stability, household safety and concern over loss-of-service due to inability to pay utility bills on a timely basis due to involuntary unemployment, disability or accidental loss-of-life.